HIRING- Build A Business around your schedule!

*Work From Home

  • Flexible Schedule
  • Earn Residual Income with renewals
  • Recession Proof & Unlimited Income
  • Connect with people and make an impact on their lives
  • Company Paid Trips
  • Bonuses & Awards
  • Referral Basis Opportunities
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  • Do you or someone you know need a VA?

    Get your VA paid for..by simply just referring it as a service to your collegues to position yourself for true growth in your business! Pay As low as $4/hour for your Assistant that can help you do all the things! Get one and refer.. get paid $1,800 \ 12 months!

    Learn More 
  • Financial Services Referral

    Make An Extra Income Stream with Financial Services.

    Referral opportunities- We Have the Connections that you get to take advantage of..for you and your family! Financial Services, Life Insurance, 401K Rollover, Retirement Planning etc. Best of all, free Education!

    Learn More 
  • Mug Cake Company Affiliate

    Work in Business Development for Mug Cake Company, Earn some additional income to be able to invest in your business!

    Learn More & Sign Up